enum PlaygroundQuickLook The sum of types that can be used as a Quick Look representation. Import import Swift Cases case text(String) Plain text. Declaration case int(Int64) An integer numeric value. Declaration case uInt(UInt64) An unsigned integer numeric value. Declaration case float(Float32) A single precision floating-point numeric value. Declaration case double(Float64) A double precision floating-point numeric value. Declaration case image(Any) An image. Declaration case sound(Any) A sound. Declaration case color(Any) A color. Declaration case bezierPath(Any) A bezier path. Declaration case attributedString(Any) An attributed string. Declaration case rectangle(Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) A rectangle. Declaration case point(Float64, Float64) A point. Declaration case size(Float64, Float64) A size. Declaration case bool(Bool) A boolean value. Declaration case range(Int64, Int64) A range. Declaration case view(Any) A GUI view. Declaration case sprite(Any) A graphical sprite. Declaration case url(String) A Uniform Resource Locator. Declaration case _raw([UInt8], String) Raw data that has already been encoded in a format the IDE understands. Declaration Initializers init(reflecting:) Initialize for the given subject. If the dynamic type of subject conforms to CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable, returns the result of calling its customPlaygroundQuickLook property. Otherwise, returns a PlaygroundQuickLook synthesized for subject by the language. Note that in some cases the result may be .Text(String(reflecting: subject)). Note: If the dynamic type of subject has value semantics, subsequent mutations of subject will not observable in Mirror. In general, though, the observability of such mutations is unspecified. Declaration init(reflecting subject: Any)